1. 469 species were divided into two levels to display the hormone gene information of species

2. Click the species name to view the specific hormone gene information

3. Click the species name to switch species, click the picture section to jump to all information pages of species, click "Bar" or "Pie" to switch to charts, and click "Download" to jump to the download page of species

4. Switch hormone type

5. Display specific information and download corresponding sequence

1. Click to select 11 hormone types

2. Click to select related functional pathways among 11 hormone types

3. Click to select protein domains in functional pathways

4. Click to view specific genes of specific species

5. Click to download the current statistical chart

1. In the two input boxes, select the species name in the above selection, and select 11 hormone types in the lower selection. You can select multiple types, and the species name can also be quickly obtained by self searching

2. A pie chart can be obtained by searching. The above is the number of relevant genes. Clicking on a specific sector can pop up the specific results of all genes below

3. This table shows a hormone related functional gene of a species. Click the lower right corner to download it

By clicking the name of a species, the drawing pops up, showing the relevant literature and database of the species, and clicking the relevant link can jump to the literature and database page

Click the species name to jump to the hidden page showing all the information of the species

1. Select one or more Arabidopsis genes through "more" and "choice", or input gene ID yourself

2. Shows that four genes were selected

3. Output the results of four genes, click the lower right corner to download

1. Similar to the gene search above, select the hormone type you want to find

2. Take ABA as an example

3. To get the relevant literature on "ABA" hormones, click the lower right foot to download

1. Download page and species tree page, and species tree is convenient to visually view species structure

2. Merge expand file tree

3. Download selected files

4. Select species

5. Click to tick the folder or file

6. Click file to download directly

1. Enter the fasta sequence that needs to be blast aligned or submit the file

2. Submit a file to bulid database

3. Select the required parameters

4. Enter your email and click the Blast button

The result will be sent to your mailbox later Note: the submitted file size should not exceed 200MB!

1. The result of blast has 12 columns, and each column represents the ID identification of the query sequence, the ID identification of the target sequence on the alignment, the consistency percentage of the sequence alignment, the length of the alignment area conforming to the alignment, the number of mismatches in the alignment area, the number of gaps in the alignment area, the start and end sites of the alignment area on the query sequence (query ID), and the alignment area on the target sequence (subject ID) Start and stop sites on, expected value of comparison results, bit score value of comparison results

2. Click download to download the complete blast results

1. Select the file (the file format is a single gene sequence, it is best not to wrap the sequence)

2. Or enter the sequence directly

3. Adjust parameters to search

4. After the search is successful, the top ten results will pop up, Click the lower right corner to download

    Some pictures and data of this website come from the Internet and other public database platforms. Copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, please contact Song Xiaoming (songxiaoming116@163.com) in time to delete it. In addition, all data in this database is free for all scientists to use. For commercial use, please contact us for authorization.